Nana Konamah

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13 Ghanaian Foods That Are Slowly Killing You

Welcome back, friends!

In today’s video I’m sharing about 13 food staples that I avoid. The point of this video is really about information and I strongly I believe that people should have agency about what they put in their bodies.

In this video you will learn:

4:17 : How MSG in Maggi and Onga disturbs brain chemistry and enhances the “addictability” of a dish

5:08: Why packaged noodles are falsely marketed to children as a nutritious food product

7:23 Learn how heaping our plates with white rice is dangerous

9:14 What excessive starch in Ghanaian diets is really doing to our system and how it increases the risk of diabetes.

If you’re looking for a sans-MSG and healthier option to waakye and shitor, my Fonio Waakye recipe video is a great place to start.

I understand that sometimes nuances like access and what’s affordable come into play. Nevertheless, I believe in providing information so that you have the power in your hands. If you’re ready to experiment with a few more Ghanaian dishes, I’d suggest you watch Red Red Buddha Bowl video!

What other food staples would you think are slowly killing us?

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Thank you for watching and see you next time in my videos.